

First a warning; The debugger is still quite buggy and not nearly done.
It can debug plain python and if you're careful, simple wxPython apps, but there are currently still serious issues around detecting when the main window closes and processing  the mainloop of a GUI app.

To open the debugger for a module, open a module or save any unsaved changes and click the red play button  on the 'Source' view.
To open the debugger for an application, open it or save any unsaved changes and click the red play button  on the 'Application'/'Source' view.

When you want to debug an application be sure to remove code which checks that __name__ == '__main__'.
Otherwise, while debugging, this test will fail and there will usually not be much to debug :)

The standard debugging pages:
Stack List of items, each representing a level of the stack.
Click on an item to inspect that level in the watch windows.
Breakpoints List of breakpoints defined for the debugger. 
Breakpoints can be disabled or deleted  by selecting them and right clicking in this view.
Add a breakpoint by putting your caret at the desired position in the source and choosing 'Set breakpoint'
Output Theoretically this view should show any output generated by the module being debugged.
Watches Shows a list of user defined watches, evaluated in the selected scope.
Select/right-click to delete.
Locals List of all objects in local scope of the selected level.
Select/right-click to add as a watch or add your own locals watch
Globals List of all objects in global scope of the selected level.
Select/right-click to add as a watch or add your own globals watch