Cyclops report

All cycles
Objects involved in cycles
Cycle objects partitioned into maximal SCCs
Arc types involved in cycles
Purge root set
Purge root set statistics

Installed chasers


Objects in root set3618
Distinct structured objects reachable12048
Distinct structured objects in cycles14
Cycles found10
Cycles filtered out5895
Strongly connected components1
Arcs examined282432

All cycles:

Objects involved in cycles:

Each distinct object find_cycles found in a cycle is displayed. The set of objects found in cycles is first sorted by the optional "compare" function. By default, objects are sorted using their type name as the primary key and their storage address (id) as the secondary key; among objects of instance type, sorts by the instances' class names; among objects of class type, sorts by the classes' names.

0x19f3c40 rc: 1 dictionary
    {('imageList2', 'Images'): <Views.CollectionEdit.CollectionEditorView instance at 19fe610>, ('imageList1', 'Images'): <Views.CollectionEdit.CollectionEditorView instance at 19fbce0>}
0x19fa9d0 rc: 1 dictionary
    {'Name': <method DesignTimeCompanion.SetName of ImageListImagesCDTC instance at 19fac00>}
0x19fdc70 rc: 1 dictionary
    {'Name': <method DesignTimeCompanion.SetName of ImageListImagesCDTC instance at 19fde50>}
0x19fbce0 rc: 2 instance Views.CollectionEdit.CollectionEditorView
    <Views.CollectionEdit.CollectionEditorView instance at 19fbce0>
0x19fe610 rc: 2 instance Views.CollectionEdit.CollectionEditorView
    <Views.CollectionEdit.CollectionEditorView instance at 19fe610>
0x19f1cd0 rc: 9 instance Views.DataView.DataView
    <C wxListCtrl instance at _19f22a0_wxListCtrl_p>
0x1a42f20 rc: 3 instance Views.CollectionEdit.ImageListCollectionEditor
    <C wxFrame instance at _1a456b0_wxFrame_p>
0x1a57df0 rc: 3 instance Views.CollectionEdit.ImageListCollectionEditor
    <C wxFrame instance at _1a58100_wxFrame_p>
0x19f4560 rc: 10 instance Companions.UtilCompanions.ImageListDTC
    <Companions.UtilCompanions.ImageListDTC instance at 19f4560>
0x19fdd90 rc: 10 instance Companions.UtilCompanions.ImageListDTC
    <Companions.UtilCompanions.ImageListDTC instance at 19fdd90>
0x19fac00 rc: 23 instance Companions.UtilCompanions.ImageListImagesCDTC
    <Companions.UtilCompanions.ImageListImagesCDTC instance at 19fac00>
0x19fde50 rc: 23 instance Companions.UtilCompanions.ImageListImagesCDTC
    <Companions.UtilCompanions.ImageListImagesCDTC instance at 19fde50>
0x19f49b0 rc: 1 instance method
    <method DesignTimeCompanion.SetName of ImageListImagesCDTC instance at 19fac00>
0x19fb6c0 rc: 1 instance method
    <method DesignTimeCompanion.SetName of ImageListImagesCDTC instance at 19fde50>

Cycle objects partitioned into maximal SCCs:

Shows the objects in cycles partitioned into strongly connected components (that is, the largest groupings possible such that each object in an SCC is reachable from every other object in that SCC). Within each SCC, objects are sorted as for show_cycleobjs.

Arc types involved in cycles:

Briefly, each arc in a cycle is categorized by the type of the source node, the kind of arc (how we got from the source to the destination), and the type of the destination node. Each line of output consists of those three pieces of info preceded by the count of arcs of that kind. By default, the rows are sorted first by column 2 (source node type), then by columns 3 and 4.

4 CollectionEditorView() .companion -> ImageListImagesCDTC()
2 CollectionEditorView() .frame -> ImageListCollectionEditor()
2 CollectionEditorView() .parent -> DataView()
6 DataView() .collEditors -> dictionary
2 ImageListCollectionEditor() .collEditView -> CollectionEditorView()
2 ImageListDTC() .designer -> DataView()
2 ImageListImagesCDTC() .designer -> DataView()
2 ImageListImagesCDTC() .parentCompanion -> ImageListDTC()
2 ImageListImagesCDTC() .triggers -> dictionary
2 dictionary ['Name'] -> instance method
3 dictionary [('imageList1', 'Images')] -> CollectionEditorView()
3 dictionary [('imageList2', 'Images')] -> CollectionEditorView()
2 instance method .im_self -> ImageListImagesCDTC()

Purge root set:

Non-cyclic root set objects:

Purge root set statistics:

Objects in root set3618 698 418 317 296 291 290
Distinct structured objects reachable12048 8716 8379 8227 8202 8198 8197
Distinct structured objects in cycles14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Cycles found10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Cycles filtered out5895 5895 5895 5895 5895 5895 5895
Strongly connected components1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Arcs examined282432 271550 270118 269474 269374 269351 269348
Dead2904 253 92 14 2 1 0
Non-cycle & alive605 352 260 246 244 243 243